On Taking a Lover


This is how you take a lover.

Build a church, write songs, mount a horse and defy territories

Find a country with lush greenery, plum fruit and abundant seas

Take the brown, black and yellow there, mix in your white to make marble babies, unbreakable


Build a church, write songs, mount a horse and defy territories

Ring bells, take the pulpit, introduce commerce, have them worship you

Take the black, brown and yellow there, mix in your white to make marble babies, unbreakable 

Seduce them with your language, dizzy them into forgetting their own


Ring bells, take the pulpit, introduce commerce, have them worship you

Make promises of eternity, take their crops and bless them

Seduce them with your language, dizzy them into forgetting their own

Teach your babies to write only your letters, bury the rest into extinction


Make promises of eternity, take their crops and bless them

Keep your bed warm and comfortable, and everyone well fed

Teach your babies to write only your letters, bury the rest into extinction

Pick the offspring whose ear you own and call him President


Keep your bed warm and comfortable, and everyone well fed

Find a country with lush greenery, plum fruit and abundant seas

Pick the offspring whose ear you own and call him President

This is how you take a lover.