Tish Vallés is a co-founder of the Paris-based Women's Worldwide Web, an online collaborative platform dedicated to empowering girls and women around the world through microfinance, social networking and compelling content. In envisioning the brand, we were very clear that we would stay on the sunrise of the story, focused on empowerment and appealing to the inherent optimism of women.



Tish was most highly involved with the conception of the brand, selection of the brand name, logo and language - all born from a deep understanding of its core female target,  their world view about a better future and their instinct towards collaboration. This resulted in two key pillars that mark who the brand is and how we communicated:

The rallying cry: Let's weave the women's web!

A community engaged in a virtuous cycle, visualized in a women's web for good

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Today, we have a solid community with a strong following on Facebook with over 36,000 in our network

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Our  Voices blog is increasing in its popularity among our community and is beginning to hold a unique place among essential voices and organizations speaking on the realities of women and their communities in the world

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In 2012, we were able to reach over 11,000 household and support hundreds of female-focused local organizations, as we do our part to weave the women's web.